Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Goosebumps...the Good Kind

You ever hear those stories that give you goosebumps, not the scary ones but the honest to God pleasing goosebumps?!?! I love those stories and I have had a couple today.

First Attack
My first attack of the goosebumps came when I heard through Facebook that a dear friend of our very dear friends were chosen for Extreme Makeover:Home Edition Joplin, to aid in the recovery from the May 22nd tornado. Knowing our friends the way I do, I just knew in my heart of heart this other family was incredible. I had seen some footage of their house after the tornado and was devastated for them and everyone in Joplin. Seeing devastation from a more personal perspective was better than any news footage you could ever see.
Having watched many episodes of Extreme Makeover:Home Edition I knew this family, along with the other 6 families in Joplin, were going to be Blessed beyond any one's expectations. Here is a great article on the event.

Second Attack
The second attack of goosebumps came during a meeting this afternoon with the housing manager. We were talking about their monthly dinners and when it would be and then the following dinner would be on Thanksgiving at the same time. I think that my dear hubby and I had the same thought at the same time because we asked what time we needed to be there on Thanksgiving. There was no thought to anything else but helping people less fortunate than ourselves. When we talked to the kids they both wanted to know what we would be bringing then for Thanksgiving. That was discussion of anything else, they want to help others too.

I have always cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for us either on Thanksgiving or sometime that weekend so we will have our turkey but we will be giving so much back to others. Knowing my kids are looking forward to this makes me realize we have actually done something right, we have raised great caring and giving kids.

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