Friday, April 19, 2013

Blogging for Stress Relief

We have had a crazy week and I really have no one I can vent to but the Whole Wide World.
  • Monday - 
    • Finished my letter to the judge and emailed those over to the Crime Victim Advocate
    • Helped my mom get her letter straightened back out
    • Got yelled at by my sister (turns out it was a misunderstanding but you know how that can work out)
    • Helped my brother with his letter
  • Tuesday - 
    • VA Day From Hell
      • 90 minutes appointment with a neuro-psychologist telling me that every one of my husband TBI symptoms is caused by something else BECAUSE TBI's heal in a short amount of time and there are no lasting, long term effects (The new VA party line)
      • DH has suffered from headaches since 2004 when injured overseas BUT they believe the headaches for 9 years are due to SLEEP APNEA which is only something we have dealt with for about 18 months
      • Balance issues are caused by the medications he is on regardless of the fact that the balance has been an issue for these same 9 years and the medications have only been for 2 years now
      • Cognitive/Memory issues are due to medications as well regardless of how long he has been having these problems
      • Every symptom he has is caused by something else and not the event in question
      • Everyone of these symptoms could be resolved with Cognitive Processing Therapy or some kind of PTSD Treatment or Group Therapy
      • I would love to get these 90 minutes back but I know that is not possible
  • Wednesday - 
    • Went to Lowes
      • We figured out that since we will probably need to stay in this house another year we need some type of temporary fencing for the backyard for privacy
      • We picked out some nice bamboo privacy screens we are going to put up over the next month so we can be out back more without the neighbors driving us bonkers
  • Thursday - 
    • Lazy Day
      • Never left the house but I managed to go to the High School Orientation for DS online.
      • Made a plan to move the office/classroom into the dining room and the dining room into the office area. More room. 
      • Picked out the new desks at Ikea
  • Friday - 
    • Social Security
      • Dropped off paperwork for reconsideration
    • Wal-mart
      • Dog Treats and a wander through the store
    • State Surplus Store
      • A box of books for $1 got some great books for DD
    • District Office
      • Paperwork for next year for the kiddos is finished
Not much else to tell but I am already working on my list of To Do for next week which includes A LOT of driving and hopefully a visit with my Dearest Friend, not to mention the sentencing of a killer.

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